Our Story...
Check us out In the Press...
Changing Stereotypes I Cambiando Estereotipos I Univision Seattle I Erika Garza
Tijuana I Keeping Food in the Family I Monroe Monitor I Chris Hendrickson
Downtown Businesses hit hard by Construction I Monroe Monitor I Chris Hendrickson

It has been said that Tijuana was once simply known as Tia Juana
(Aunt Jane). An accepted myth among fellow Tijuanenses is that Tia
Juana would provide weary travelers with a resting place migrating
North. Along with a place to stay, Tia Juana would provide warm
home cooked meals and hand made tortillas. With this, Tia Juana
slowly became Tijuana converting into the largest city in the state
of Baja California known for its tourism, seafood, and hospitality.
No one embodies this myth more than our owner/founder Martha
Barajas. Martha, or ‘La Tia’, grew up with her 10 brothers and 2
sisters working on her parents ranch in Cuautla, Jalisco Mexico.
Before immigrating to the United States Martha would provide
home cooked meals for her family and working farmhands. These
home cooked meals and recipes passed down from earlier
generations and abuelitas. It is here where, from an early age,
Martha started her journey in the kitchen.
Like many fellow Cuautlenses before her, Martha immigrated to the United States in search of the ‘American Dream’. Working tirelessly, she hoped to one day have something to call her own. Martha soon started working with her older brothers until meeting her future husband (owner/founder) Felipe Velasco.
In 1994 they opened a small 20 table restaurant in downtown Monroe, Washington. Together Martha and Felipe aimed to provide Monroe with authentic Mexican cuisine, what Monroe then lacked. Their first Menus included home made chile rellenos, beef tongue tacos, and traditional homemade soups like Menudo and Pozole. Today, Martha and her family continue to provide Monroe, Washington with great authentic Mexican cuisine with a modern twist.